How is Vedic Maths an Effective Tool for Entrance Exam Preparation?

Vedic Mathematics is an ancient system of mathematical calculations that originated in India. It is based on sixteen sutras (aphorisms) and thirteen sub-sutras (corollaries) that provide a comprehensive approach to solving mathematical problems. This system of mathematics is known for its simplicity, versatility, and efficiency. It offers a set of techniques that enable students to perform calculations mentally, without the use of a calculator or pen and paper. These techniques can be applied to different types of mathematical problems, including those that appear in entrance exams.

Entrance exams are competitive exams that students take to gain admission to prestigious educational institutions. These exams are designed to test the knowledge, skills, and abilities of the students and are usually highly competitive. Students who perform well in these exams can gain admission to top universities and colleges, which can lead to better career opportunities and higher salaries.

Vedic Mathematics can help students to prepare effectively for entrance exams. Here are some specific ways in which Vedic Mathematics can be an effective tool for entrance exam preparation:

Time-Saving Techniques

Vedic Mathematics offers a set of time-saving techniques that enable students to perform calculations quickly and accurately. These techniques can be applied to different types of problems, including those that appear in entrance exams. For example, the “Vertically and Crosswise” method of multiplication is a popular Vedic Mathematics technique that enables students to multiply two-digit numbers quickly and easily. This technique involves writing the numbers in a specific way and multiplying them in a step-by-step manner, making it easy to remember and apply during the exam.

Mental Calculation

Vedic Mathematics encourages students to perform calculations mentally, without using a calculator or pen and paper. This not only saves time during the exam but also helps to improve mental agility and concentration. Mental calculation is an essential skill for entrance exams, where time is of the essence, and calculators are not always allowed. Vedic Mathematics provides students with a set of mental calculation techniques that can be applied to different types of problems, such as multiplication, division, and square roots.

Deep understanding of Mathematical Concepts

Vedic Mathematics helps to develop a deeper understanding of mathematical concepts. Instead of memorizing formulae and equations, students are taught to understand the underlying principles behind them. For example, the Vedic Mathematics technique of “Ekadhikena Purvena” helps students understand the relationship between numbers and how they can be manipulated to solve complex problems. This understanding of concepts is essential for entrance exams, where questions are often designed to test students’ knowledge of underlying principles.

Reduced Exam Stress

Entrance exams can be stressful, and many students struggle with anxiety and nervousness during the exam. However, Vedic Mathematics can help to alleviate some of this stress by providing students with a sense of confidence and control. With the help of Vedic Mathematics, students can approach the exam with a clear mind and a sense of purpose, knowing that they have the tools they need to tackle any problem that comes their way.


Vedic Mathematics is not limited to specific topics or areas of mathematics. It can be applied to various branches of mathematics, such as algebra, trigonometry, geometry, and calculus. This versatility makes Vedic Mathematics a useful tool for entrance exams that cover different areas of mathematics. Students can use Vedic Mathematics techniques to solve problems from different topics, which helps them to save time and improves their chances of scoring well in the exam.

Customizable Techniques

One of the most significant advantages of Vedic Mathematics is that it provides customizable techniques that can be adapted to suit individual learning styles. Unlike traditional mathematics, where students are expected to memorize formulae and procedures, Vedic Mathematics encourages students to develop their problem-solving skills by finding their unique way of approaching a problem. This approach not only enhances the student’s creativity but also helps them to solve problems more efficiently.

Boosts Analytical Skills

Vedic Mathematics is not just about solving mathematical problems. It also helps to improve analytical and reasoning skills. The mental calculations and problem-solving techniques in Vedic Mathematics require students to think logically, creatively and apply critical thinking. These skills are crucial for entrance exams that require students to analyze and interpret complex data.

Improves Memory and Concentration

Learning Vedic Mathematics requires students to memorize and recall several sutras and sub-sutras. This helps to improve memory and concentration, which is useful not just for entrance exams but also in daily life. With Vedic Mathematics, students can develop their memory and concentration skills, which can help them to perform better in academics and beyond.

Enhances Speed and Accuracy

Entrance exams are designed to test the speed and accuracy of the students. With Vedic Mathematics, students can improve their speed and accuracy in solving mathematical problems. The techniques of Vedic Mathematics allow students to perform calculations quickly, reducing the time needed to solve complex problems. Additionally, Vedic Mathematics provides a higher level of accuracy as the methods are designed to minimize the possibility of errors.

Builds Confidence

Confidence is key when it comes to entrance exams. Many students often struggle with self-doubt and fear of failure. However, Vedic Mathematics can help students build their confidence by providing them with the tools they need to solve problems. When students are confident in their abilities, they are more likely to perform well in the exam.

Helps in Competitive Exams

Vedic Mathematics is particularly useful for competitive exams like the SAT, ACT, GRE, GMAT, and other entrance exams. The techniques of Vedic Mathematics enable students to perform well in these exams, where time is of the essence. For example, the “Nikhilam Navatashcaramam Dashatah” sutra of Vedic Mathematics can be applied to solve complex problems in algebra and geometry, which are often included in these exams.

Encourages Independent Learning

Vedic Mathematics encourages independent learning, where students can learn at their own pace and develop their problem-solving skills. This approach not only enhances the student’s creativity but also helps them to solve problems more efficiently. Moreover, with the help of Vedic Mathematics, students can develop a deep understanding of mathematical concepts, which can be applied to various fields in academics and beyond.


Vedic Mathematics is a powerful tool for entrance exam preparation. It offers a comprehensive approach to mathematical problem-solving, based on simple rules and techniques, mental calculation, a deep understanding of mathematical concepts, and shortcuts. Students who use Vedic Mathematics for entrance exam preparation can save time, reduce stress, improve mental agility and concentration, and increase their chances of performing well in the exam. With its versatility and efficiency, Vedic Mathematics is an excellent addition to any student’s toolkit for entrance exam preparation. By mastering the techniques of Vedic Mathematics, students can gain a competitive edge over their peers and achieve their academic goals.

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